L'a pas l'air contente, la dame...
Beau boulot, quoique je trouve la mâchoire trop serrée, donnant une forme moins gracieuse que le reste de l'image, qui a de la grace même dans la tension :-)
14 Apr 2013 6:50am
@Basile Pesso: Merci Basile. Pour la mâchoire... elle n'était pas serrée... elle est simplement carrée. J'ai une mâchoire peu gracieuse, voilà tout ;)
This is just excellent. You are very creative. Again a great title that stimulates the viewer to relate individually. Me, it is as a ghost or spirit inhabits the form which sleeps. Spooky and yet true of so many of mankind who sleep, who are not awake to life, whose outer personality is fiction, a ghost most the time. For this message and unique image is then true Art.
18 Apr 2013 2:07pm
@Joyce: Thank you so much! That is exactly what attracts me in photography: the fact that the viewer can relay on his inner life and add his own experience to the picture. I really like your interpretation :)